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responsible tourism

Is tourism ‘that creates better places for people to live in, and better places to visit’.

Aotearoa New Zealand truly is a beautiful place, and we welcome guests and visitors. TWiG has access to stunning regions and locations.


We want to protect the future of this country we have been given and are conscious of our responsibility to preserve and take care of it. We endeavour to practice responsible tourism and to keep our country beautiful for future generations.


We only use the resources we need and attempt to keep any negative impact on the environment to a minimum. We do this by recycling waste generated by guests, monitoring our energy, fuel, waste, and water use. Introducing recyclable and biodegradable water bottles/packaging for guests use during our tours. Washing vehicles with purified rainwater. Cleaning with microfibre cloths and gifting items we no longer use to charities. 


Our office grounds are the home of many native trees and grasses – our gardens continue to grow and in turn, reduce the impact we have on the environment.


We're also proud sponsors of Forest & Bird


Please share your thoughts on how you think we are doing and any suggestions on how we could improve.

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